Our Services
Since the new site opened in 2008, the AMWA Management Committee has worked tirelessly to broaden the level of activities available for the local community. This has grown to include children's Islamic classes, a daily halaqa and Hadith talk with the junior imams, a free funeral service, free Iftari during Ramadan and at other times of the year, plus a large clothes collection for Islamic Relief, the largest Muslim charity in the world. We have started to stream our Friday sermons on our Facebook account, which gives access to people that can't be here and many sisters who wish to broaden their knowledge.
Funeral Service
In 2016, AMWA was pleased to commence West London's first free funeral service after completing construction of the mortuary and setting up the relevant procedures to arrange burials for both brothers and sisters according to Islamic teachings. This service is run by Trustee Aizul Haque and our General Secretary, Sufi Saleem.
We are able to work with the hospital to release the deceased, and bring them to Acton Mosque for ritual cleaning and the Janazah prayer. From there, we have the transport means to allow safe transport to the graveyard. We make no charge for this, but ask our patrons to give generously as we have no other source of funding.
Sisters Classes
Sisters Qur'an classes are held every Sunday, 10-11am for beginners (13+), and 11:30-1pm for tajweed (13+). The classes are free, but students are required to bring a Qur'an to class, as well as buy a Tajweed book. Capacity is currently full.
There are also weekly sisters' halaqahs (informal discussion circles). For details, find us on Instagram @muhsinaat.uk
If you have any questions, please email us at
Children's Islamic
Starting 2006, one of the Executive Team broadened the education offered in the mosque beyond Quran recitation to include: Arabic, Quran, Seerah, Hadith and Fiqh.
Our teaching activities are broken down into two sets of activities:
Weekday classes are Monday to Thursday from 5:00 - 6:45 pm
Weekend classes are from 10am - 3pm on Saturdays
Free Iftar
& Ramadan
For the whole of Ramadan, Acton Mosque is delighted and humbled to be able to provide a free "iftar" service to our community. This takes place just after sunset every day during the holy month of Ramadan. A team of over 20 individuals, led by one of the Management Committee, Arif Khilji work tirelessly to prepare and serve the Iftar for the community. This work continues post-Ramadan, on the last Thursday of every month.
Volunteering &
becoming a Member
The mosque is entirely run on the generous support of the local members of the community. If you are interested in helping in any way (maintenance, events, charity work) then please contact us to discuss.
We are also open to new members to which you will be required to pay a small monthly contribution. This will entitle you to have a say in the running of the mosque through our annual meetings and elections.